Pictures from the 2012 Season 

Round 14  

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A couple of losses to Hutchins witnessed by a healthy crowd that consisted of many of the past premiership players who were gathering for the night's reunion.


Seniors - First Half

McEvoy and Burgess with early marks

Cooper was a handy player and named in the best

Stride had an excellent game and was named best player

Brooks with a nicely snapped goal

Reeves and McEvoy

Handy goal to Burgess

High Flying McEvoy

Cooper handballs

Pleasing to see so many past greats

Goal to McEvoy who kicked three for the day


Irish, Les and Sheeny enjoy the first break


Stride in the thick of it again

Saunders, McEvoy and Cooper

  Reeves playing a mid-field role
Hayes pokes through an easy goal


A typical Brooks run

Strong mark to Saunders and another goal to McEvoy

Turned out to be quite a pleasant day

Reeves somehow found himself alone in the goal square!!!

Hamilton with some dash

Burgess, McEvoy and Harrison


A Bean mark but a good one despite the posing Hamilton.