Tasmanian University Football Club

I have some  photos given to me without names or a year. If you can help, please email and quote the Photo No. Also, if you have photos, why not send them to me to share. If you don't want to part with your pics either scan them or take photos of the pictures with a digital camera and send them in. (Note: Most of these photos are larger than they appear here so drop them on your desktop to view them in detail)


WhoWhen? No 1

This photo has 1972 written on the back but I feel it could be earlier. What year did Fabian Dixon leave?

Thanks to Greig Rundle's analysis and Len Cuff's confirmation it seems this is a photo of the 1971 Firsts side and has been included in that year.


1971 ?

Terry "Özzie" Owens, (C) Steve Morton (VC), David "Butch" Williams, Bill "Fothers" Fotheringham, Chris Woodruff, Greg "Panda"Blackburn
Leigh Hinds, Fabian "Dicko" Dickson, Peter "Griffo"Griffiths, Len Cuff, Kerry "Tug" Brown, Mick "Baldy" Alexander, Terry "Knucka" Rundle
Stephen Smith, Rodney "Pudden" Howell, Peter Rowe, Brian Snare, Gerald "Spook" Leary, Tony "Chiefy" Lyendyk, Julian Tydde


WhoWhen? No 2
Is this 1975? All players have been identified thanks to your emails. Len Cuff has confirmed this as 1975 and It has been added to Previous Years 1975.

TUFC 1975 - Seniors

From Left:  D Joyce, G Cuff, P O'Hern, M Ross, G Pepper, B Hoggett, N McLeod, S Yeoland, M Gill, T Moore, I Frazer, J Fitzgibbon
                  M Noonan, M Cunningham, F Neasey, J Blacklow, G Shaw, D Potter,  L Cuff

WhoWhen? No 3
What year is this? 67?, 68? Got most of the names - any more

Greig Rundle suggests this is 1969 and gives compelling reasons - probably 3rds. Len Cuff says it is 1970 and

TUFC 1969 - Thirds?

Back:      B Felmingham, 1 B Connelly ?,  2__________?, , P Fish, W Groves, P Rose, W Wright, M Dyer
Middle:    4__________?, D Crockett, P Crawford,  S McGrath-Kerr, O Gregory, R Radford, I Newman, C Latham, S Lynch
Front:      T Abey, R Hayes